Currently reading

Paul Hanley
A Month in the Country
Michael Holroyd, J.L. Carr
A Tale of the Dispossessed: A Novel
Laura Restrepo, Dolores M. Koch
Mesabi Pioneers
Jeffrey Smith, Russell Hill
The Crusades Through Arab Eyes
Jon Rothschild, Amin Maalouf
Island of a Thousand Mirrors
Nayomi Munaweera


California - Edan Lepucki Mmmm.. I think maybe dystopia is not my thing. There are some interesting ideas in this novel, including how to set up a civilization without structure and what we're willing to give up for safety. None of the characters are really compelling, though, and some of them get downright scary. And there's at least a couple instances of supporting characters changing their tune so much that it's hard to believe. The dialog seems unnatural, but maybe that was intentional -- maybe it's all supposed to feel a little unnatural.

In any case, I think it was meant to scare me at least a little, and it just ended up estranging me. I wasn't ever really pulled in enough to invest in the characters and fear for their futures. But I will definitely give it a rating of interesting -- it leads to some good discussions.