Currently reading

Paul Hanley
A Month in the Country
Michael Holroyd, J.L. Carr
A Tale of the Dispossessed: A Novel
Laura Restrepo, Dolores M. Koch
Mesabi Pioneers
Jeffrey Smith, Russell Hill
The Crusades Through Arab Eyes
Jon Rothschild, Amin Maalouf
Island of a Thousand Mirrors
Nayomi Munaweera

The Chase

The Chase - Janet Evanovich, Lee Goldberg Just a great piece of fluff. I'm on vacation, and this is a light vacation read for me. I like this series even better than just Evanovich on her own. Anyway, lots of fun.

But they did manage to hit one of my pet peeves, so I'll just slide this in there: the phrase is "I couldn't care less". If you say "I could care less", that means you do care. Come on. It's in the narration multiple times. Surely between the two of you you could fix something that simple!