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Paul Hanley
A Month in the Country
Michael Holroyd, J.L. Carr
A Tale of the Dispossessed: A Novel
Laura Restrepo, Dolores M. Koch
Mesabi Pioneers
Jeffrey Smith, Russell Hill
The Crusades Through Arab Eyes
Jon Rothschild, Amin Maalouf
Island of a Thousand Mirrors
Nayomi Munaweera

Where'd You Go, Bernadette

Where'd You Go, Bernadette - Maria Semple I thoroughly enjoyed this book and it was a good, fun read. The only thing that keep it from being a 4 or 5 star is the I felt like the author couldn't decide exactly what she wanted it to be. The satire is biting and over the top and funny. But there's also this genuine mother-daughter relationship at the heart of it, and in the last portion of the book, the author seems to make a real attempt at heart-warming sincerity. The contrast made the whole thing fall a little flat for me -- the sincerity ended up sounding contrived, as if forced by an editor, in the context of everything else in the book.

In the end, it was entertaining and I'm glad I read it -- I would recommend it to others. But I'm not sure what I took away from it.