Currently reading

Paul Hanley
A Month in the Country
Michael Holroyd, J.L. Carr
A Tale of the Dispossessed: A Novel
Laura Restrepo, Dolores M. Koch
Mesabi Pioneers
Jeffrey Smith, Russell Hill
The Crusades Through Arab Eyes
Jon Rothschild, Amin Maalouf
Island of a Thousand Mirrors
Nayomi Munaweera

The Fundamentals of Sound Science

The Fundamentals of Sound Science - Elena Borovitskaya A good, simple introduction to acoustics, but there's nothing particularly remarkable here, and the level of detail is low. There are a few exercises. One difference between this text and other physics of music/sound texts is that this one includes an introduction to music, which most others assume the students already understand. It makes for a decent introduction, but it would be hard to fill a semester course with the material in this book.