Currently reading

Paul Hanley
A Month in the Country
Michael Holroyd, J.L. Carr
A Tale of the Dispossessed: A Novel
Laura Restrepo, Dolores M. Koch
Mesabi Pioneers
Jeffrey Smith, Russell Hill
The Crusades Through Arab Eyes
Jon Rothschild, Amin Maalouf
Island of a Thousand Mirrors
Nayomi Munaweera
Paul Hanley
Michael Holroyd, J.L. Carr
Laura Restrepo, Dolores M. Koch
Jeffrey Smith, Russell Hill
Jon Rothschild, Amin Maalouf
Nayomi Munaweera
February 2016
text: Along for the ride with The Passenger
Fun and suspenseful, Lisa Lutz's story was an intense experience. I loved it. I loved the characters. I even loved the dee...
The Passenger - Lisa Lutz
January 2016
finished reading:
January 2016
reviewed: The Language of Secrets (Rachel Getty and Esa Khattak Novels)
The Language of Secrets is well-written. It's suspenseful and treats its characters with humanity and kindness, which I appr...
The Language of Secrets (Rachel Getty and Esa Khattak Novels) - Ausma Zehanat Khan
finished reading:
January 2016
reviewed: The Heart
A captivating prose poem. It weaves in and out of the heads of the various characters. Some are in anguish on a day that wi...
The Heart - Maylis de Kerangal, Sam Taylor
finished reading:
January 2016
reviewed: Shylock Is My Name (Hogarth Shakespeare)
[I'm going to talk about the whole book. I don't believe there are any spoilers since this is a retelling of a well-known ta...
Shylock Is My Name (Hogarth Shakespeare) - Howard Jacobson
finished reading:
January 2016
reviewed: Feather Brained: My Bumbling Quest to Become a Birder and Find a Rare Bird on My Own
Feather Brained is quite simply entertaining. Tarte relates 20 years of stories related to birds as he observes them in the ...
Feather Brained: My Bumbling Quest to Become a Birder and Find  a Rare Bird on My Own - Bob Tarte
finished reading:
January 2016
reviewed: Into the Magic Shop: A Neurosurgeon's Quest to Discover the Mysteries of the Brain and the Secrets of the Heart
This story will make you love Ruth. And like little Jim and root for him. And then hate big Jim. And then come to like big Ji...
finished reading:
January 2016
reviewed: Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data
A very readable overview of the basic statistics that the average person sees in life. Yes, it's simplified, but it's also u...
Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data - Charles Wheelan
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finished reading:
January 2016
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January 2016
reviewed: What Lies Between Us: A Novel
This one broke me. I'm still trying to recover. It is beautiful and enveloping. No, not beautiful. It is terrifying. It ...
What Lies Between Us: A Novel - Nayomi Munaweera
reviewed: The Blue Line: A Novel
This is an astonishing work of historical fiction, weaving together the plotline as it jumps to and fro in time with history....
The Blue Line: A Novel - Ingrid Betancourt
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January 2016
reviewed: The Serengeti Rules: The Quest to Discover How Life Works and Why It Matters
Sean Carroll is a fantastic decoder of the natural world. This book enumerates the different control mechanisms in nature, w...
The Serengeti Rules: The Quest to Discover How Life Works and Why It Matters - Sean B. Carroll
finished reading:
December 2015
reviewed: Facing Climate Change: An Integrated Path to the Future
Dr. Kiehl brings together three elements important in his life to explore reactions to global warming: Jungian psychology, B...
Facing Climate Change: An Integrated Path to the Future - J T Kiehl
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finished reading:
December 2015
reviewed: Yes Please
Far more beautiful than I anticipated.And I highly recommend the audio book.
Yes Please - Amy Poehler
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December 2015
reviewed: What Is Fat For?: Re-Thinking Obesity Science
A fantastic summary of what we know about diets and weight loss from a reasonable doctor who knows what he's talking about. ...
What Is Fat For?: Re-Thinking Obesity Science - Ignatius Brady
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